Thursday, March 31, 2011

Privacy Please?!

I think my husband and I will have to become penpals if we want to be able to communicate without the kids knowing what we are talking about...but everything is done electronically and knowing my kids they'll probably learn how to hack into our emails and read our emails we'll lose that option too! Are we going to have to learn another language? I expressed this concern to him the other night and Madison came out of nowhere and said "you can learn sign language!" Thank you Madison, and I would do it too if I was confident that you wouldn't pick up on it and find out what we were saying! The other night I was feeling like I needed some chips, I was PMS-ing horribly and just needed the snack as we watched a show on the DVR after the kids are in bed. So I said to my husband, "let's have some ip-chay after they are in bed", he replies "what? what's that? i don't know what you are saying!" Madi chimes in "say it again, I know! What is it mommy? say it!" and I explain " i can't spell it because it's an easy enough word that the kids will sound it out and they will know and will never go to sleep and if i say it the same result, so just forget it! ugh!" Brainiac then replies "oh i know does the brand end in ys?" (as in Lays) and I reply yes, but too late, Madi goes "oh! chips!" Nothing goes by this one! The kids have been learning how to sound out letters and form words, my husband is not fast enough for me to spell words quickly for him to know what I am saying without the kids hearing so I have to spell it slowly, but by then the kids have already figured it out and then THEY tell HIM what I wanted to tell him. So I'm giving up...maybe it wasn't meant to be for me to talk to my husband anymore! LOL! and I'm not deliberately trying to keep secrets from him, I just can't tell him without the peanut gallery listening. Now you may ask why don't I tell him AFTER the kids are in bed? It's easy. If you have kids, and most of you reading this blog do will know that after you have children there is no such thing as a "memory" so by the time you are able to tell him, you would have forgotten you even had a secret to tell him, nevermind what the hell that secret even was! I was having a phone conversation with a friend the other day and our kids are in the same class. My kids weren't home, but hers were. So she had to talk in code. Have you ever played charades over the phone? It is hard! It's like a cross between Charades and Taboo, because you can't use certain words or names otherwise your child or children will now what or god forbid WHO you are talking about and then forget it, it's broadcasted all over school. It's true when they say don't worry about your kids not talking yet...because when they do you just can't get them to stop!

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