Monday, March 21, 2011

When is it "too much"?

I don't want my kids to grow up being walked all over and picked on especially when I know they have that "oomph" in them, but I've always taught them to be forgiving and to try and walk away if other kids are just not being nice instead of trying to right the wrong. Especially Tyler, little boys right now are at the age where they are wrestling and fighting and punching, Tyler is pretty strong and can really hurt someone and I really don't want him hurting another child. But then again if that other child is punching Tyler and Tyler walks and the kid follows then I ask why don't you tell the teacher and he's concerned that the other kid will actually get in trouble...well geez Tyler! who cares if he gets in trouble?!? I love that he has such a big heart but sometimes it takes all that I have to keep from going in and just shoving that kid to the floor and sticking my tongue out at him....THERE! THAT'S for messing with MY kid! Blah! It is so hard for ME personally to try and contain myself and to be forgiving so that to be the role model for my children...but it IS soooo hard.

Then there is my tough girl Madison. She's tough at heart, but at school she's a little timid and if someone is mean to her or approaches her she will keep her mouth shut and won't defend herself. Why not baby girl? Mommy can't be with you all the time! and when that mean girl Camille comes around and tells you that you are trash you should tell her to look in the mirror! Ask her what her problem is. Ask her why she's so mean?! and then tell her your momma knows where you live! But of course that last thought was in the bubble in my head. So Madison keeps all this inside and brings it home to me and tells me she just doesnt know what to do. I tell her that she should tell the teacher and if she does get in trouble then that is not your fault because you didn't tell her to be mean, she did it herself. That's after I'd like her to sweep her feet and make her fall on her scrawny little ass! oops, mean mommy thoughts coming through!

Kids can be so mean. I realize my angels are not without horns. The kids were out on the driveway playing yesterday and some of the neighborhood kids came over to play as well and Madison goes "ugh, let's go inside Tyler, I don't want to see Christopher's face anymore." That's pretty mean. You can bet on it though when we came in she got spoken to right away and was warned that she will be in trouble if she spoke like that again. Ok, so that was mean. Now this morning, on the way to school, Madison and Tyler were bickering and one of the kids said to them "stop fighting or I will seriously hurt you both" and gave them this look, "do you want me to seriously hurt you?" and my kids looked at him like he had four heads. Obviously this was a mimic of what is said at home. When is it too much? When do we take what these little kids are saying seriously? When is it over the line?

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