Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Little Too Much Like Momma...

It's true that by nature I like to take control of things. If something needs to be done lets not putz around and get the task at hand completed and if it appears that you are not going in the "right" direction or any direction then I will make sure you get there...with a smile of course. This is something I've learned to master over many many years...37 to be exact!

Madison has inherited that trait it appears. We saw signs of it since they were little, even with the lack of speech she would direct her brother to do things and he would comply! Let's just face it she came out of me screaming and the doctors came running and while she was in the NICU she would be screaming in her incubater and the nurses would go screaming so yes, my daughter is a "director".

So yesterday was Tyler's big day. We had his tooth extracted and the tooth fairy was finally going to visit our house that night. Problem: Madison did not have a tooth to put under her pillow so she will not be getting anything. Somehow, my daughter had convinced her brother to ask the tooth fairy for more money so that he can give some to her as well so that they can both go to the mall the next day to get something. Tyler having the biggest heart agreed as he wanted to share the exciting moment with his twin sister.

They both ran off to draft a letter to the tooth fairy. Tyler also wanted to keep the tooth and not have the tooth fairy take it away so that was his only stipulation. This is what the letter looked like:
Tofe fare: kan you gi me 2 dola and i keep my tofe tyler

When he woke up in the morning he found a dollar and the tooth still there, he was upset he did not get two, but I explained that it was just one tooth and the tooth fairy was on a budget. So he understood. When Madison woke up and realized what had happened she whipped into contingency plan right away. She all of a sudden was the nice older sister by a minute and said "Tyler, we should make sure we save your dollar. Let me put it in your piggy bank for you." My daughter did this to ensure that Tyler did NOT have any money to spend when we went to the mall later today, and by putting it in the piggy bank would accomplish just that!

My little girl is a smart cookie. I'm thinking she should grow up to be a corporate raider....

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