Thursday, March 3, 2011

And we have cavities...

FIVE to be exact. How did Tyler end up with 5 cavities? I'm not even sure. Juices are limited to once a day if any at all, and definitely no candy unless it's a special occasion. We floss and brush and with Plax and rinse with ACT. So....can someone please throw me a bone here?!?!? So they dentist had already suspected that Tyler just had that "kind of cavity prone" kinda mouth...and it could be genetics. Sorry, gotta blame it on the in laws. Because MY family didn't have these issues...and I don't have these issues! OY! WTF!

So I call the insurance company to find out how much this will run me and they ask you "how many surfaces are there?" Are they kidding me?! How many surfaces?!? The top surface! How do I know?! IF I knew...I would do this all myself and wouldn't need a dentist and therefore no insurance required! I then contacted my dentist who provided me with this great form with all the codes and a picture of the teeth that needed to be filled with all the surfaces and blah blah blah... I find out that the teeth that will only need one surface are covered 50%, but the ones that has two surfaces are not quite covered, well they are but minimally and they wouldn't even tell me by how little..."it depends on the contract". Oh and these are all baby teeth that will eventually fall out, but nonetheless we need to fill them because it could be years before they fall out and they could rot through by then and into the gums. But all I really heard was "please take your $1,000 and insert it in this toilet here like so. Now flush. No you don't have to put it all at once, you can do it in 4 installments if you wish."

Then on top of this he has a permanent tooth growing in in the front. REALLY exciting stuff right? Tooth fairy the whole thing...well the baby tooth is not budging, not even loose. But the new one is coming in fast and furious...and sideways! So...if the old and little doesn't come out soon..very soon, that will need to be pulled...more money to be deposited through the porcelain goddess. I love my baby boy, but I'm thinking perhaps tripping him as he is running at full speed and hope he hits his front tooth against the wall and knocks it out will do the trick? We sit there every night watching the American Idol with his mouth open and me wiggling the tooth like a mad woman...nothing.

I've even suggested that if he has nothing to do that he could sit there and gnaw on a piece of wood. Or a soccer ball, he used to do that as an infant, try to shove a huge playground ball into his mouth without success. The other night they came home and Madison reports to me, "mom! Tyler was biting on the soccer ball at grandma's house and it popped! and Grandpa tried to tape it back but it still leaks!" All these thoughts just ran through my head, but priorities, "Tyler, open your mouth, let me feel that tooth!" nope! still on tight! argh! "ok, what?! why were you biting on a soccer ball? what's wrong with you?!" "but mom! you told me to!" My mind was racing, crap! I need to stop thinking out loud! I know I thought of it, but did I really say it out loud?! and did he really pop a leather soccer ball with that tooth? geez! it is really stubborn! why doesn't it want to come out??? "Tyler, mommy was only kidding!" "ohhhhh!"

So the next day at my mom's house they showed me the soccer ball and thank goodness it was a beachball that looks like a soccer ball. phew! but yes, he did bite it and it did pop. My sanity level is slipping away here...

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