Friday, February 4, 2011

Feed me...hungry!!!

So I get it. Not all of us, including myself, are big morning eaters, but the kids know they have to go to school and they don't get snack time until about 10ish or so and that's too late for their first meal. Snack time really isn't a meal, they get 5 minutes to choke down some fruit or a some crackers, so if you skip breakfast and wait until then, a piece of fruit, or a cracker will not cut it. I don't make my kids eat a huge breakfast, normally a half a cup of milk and cereal, or scrambled eggs, or piece of toast with peanutbutter. Just something small.

The past two days Madison has been refusing breakfast. "NO! I don't want to eat nothing!" "ok then, you'll be hungry!" "I don't care!" Yesterday, I had poured out a bowl of cereal for her and already had the milk in it and so when she sat there pouting in front of it I took the bowl away and I continued to prepare their lunchboxes and I waited until the cereal turned into mush. THEN I said "Madi, this is your last chance to eat if you don't eat you will starve."
I walked over and put the bowl of really gross mushy cereal in front of her. You couldn't pay me money to eat that! and I watched her touch it with her spoon and looked at me like I was nuts. I didn't look at her and continued to keep "busy." She ate her cereal...gross! and brought her bowl to the kitchen. I informed her this is the last time she gets a second chance, next time she doesn't eat when I tell her to she will go to school hungry and she said ok.

So today we go down for breakfast. "Ok guys! What would you like for breakfast? Apple oatmeal? cereal? eggs?"
Tyler "cinnamon toast crunch!"
Madi "nothing!"
Me "Madi you will be hungry then!"
Madi "No I won't!" I was fuming. Wiseass!
That's when her father comes in "c'mon Madi, stop being so difficult! You have to eat breakfast!"
Me: "Well it's too late, I only offer once."

So my daughter was sent to school today without any breakfast. She'll probably eat the plastic off the lunchbox she'll be so hungry by lunchtime, but this will teach HER a lesson...hopefully. I informed her teacher of this morning's episode so that she was aware of why she would be so hungry at snack time and she too thought this would teach her a lesson...hopefully.

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