Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Search for a Dry Pull Up Continues...

I am on a mission to get Madison off the overnight pull ups once and for all. Last night she went to bed at 930PM. She went to pee at 9PM and then before we went to be at about 11PM we took her again. She actually DID pee! So I thought ok, her bladder is empty. We had stopped liquids early that evening, but being summer we have to be careful with that since it IS hot outside I don't want her dehydrated either.

I had taken away her big comfy comforter and did not let her have a pull up. She had started to cry. I wasn't sure why she was crying. Perhaps the fear of knowing that she will wet her bed. So I told her that we both know that SHE knows when she is peeing in her sleep and she just needs to get up and go. I had also given her her little lady bug emergency flashlight, so that she can use that to come get me to go with her to the bathroom if she is afraid of the dark. Not to mention the extra night light I put in the short hallway to the bathroom.

At 430AM, she came into my room to get me, she had wet herself. So I got up she got changed, I took off her bedsheet and now she gets to sleep on her plastic matress cover. She will not get another bedsheet until she has a dry night. She slept until 9am today...she's NEVER slept so late in her life! I guess getting up in the middle of the night takes a lot of her. So she asked me while she was washing up and brushing her teeth if she gets her pull ups back tonight. I told her no and she was not at all happy. I told her that she is going to the 1st grade and that no one wears pull ups in the 1st grade! She has to learn to wake up and go to the bathroom. So she said nothing and accepted this.

Sleeping on a plastic covering just can't be comfortable! I know that personally I would hate to sleep with a pull up on, or to sleep on a piece of plastic! How can she be ok with it? I can't even stand having my period and having to sport a maxi pad...I just don't get it. I've tried the reward system, bribery, you name it and I've tried it. Now it's just plain it JUST DO IT! I'm adopting the Nike logo. I feel like I'm doing the midnight feedings again with the waking up in the middle of the night, but we need to get out of these pull ups! So come hell or high water...or perhaps my death...she will get out of these pull ups before school starts!!!!

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