Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade!

Here we are...it took 6 years and many days of whine and cheese, but full day school. Got the twins up and dressed and we could still hear the snoring in the background...their father had taken the day off for the 1st day of school festivities...glad he could help! Getting back into the swing of things is hard after a whole summer off.

So I got the kids breakfast, got snacks packed, supplies packed and we're ready to go...oh wait...Daddy is not ready. Really? Cheese n rice! Why are we always waiting for him??? So finally he's ready and we go and we walk to school. As we approach the school we begin to see old friends that we haven't seen all summer. Tyler is excited to see people and is waving hello and talking to some kids and takes off for his classroom. Madison had her normal anxiety and was hiding behind me and wouldn't say hi or even wave to anyone. As we walked down the hallway and Madison was shooting her darts of poison from her eyes, I was surprised people didn't start falling down to their knees.

She has this look on her face...this look of just disgust, she just doesn't hide her feelings, that's for sure! So we found her locker and put her stuff inside and took her folders and supplies into the classroom. Met Ms. L her teacher and then we were instructed to find our way around the classroom and put our supplies in the correct bins for the class to share and to put her name on her folders. So we did this and met old friends along the way and of course Madi was less than pleased to see them...or at least she appeared this way. As this was happening, I had instructed the boys, Tyler and his Dad to go to Tyler's class and get settled, emergency forms dropped off and yada yada yada...but as Madi and I were moving along I turned around to find the boys right behind us! Oy vay! Tyler was eager to go to his class but I think Dad had anxiety too! Did I have triplets??? good god! Cheese n rice! and then I hear the bell ring! by now I was no longer shvetzing, I was full blown sweating! I had said to one of the moms I am sweating! and she replied no here we shvetz! and I said oh no girl, I am way beyond shvetz, I am sweating!!! So I kissed Madi goodbye and sat her down with her dear friend Matthew to play dominoes. God bless Matthew, Madi's knight in shining armour!

I went into Tyler's room just in time to give him a quick kiss and a hug to wish him a great first day and pray that everything got to wear it needed to go...

After school...we came home Dad was in charge as I was working from home. The kids were home from 12-5 with him and I was in my home office before I came back up to realize "where is Tyler's lunchbox?" No one knew. Day 1 and missing lunchbox. Dad cleaned up 1 lunchbox and didn't ask where #2 was. Breathe. I went through the backpacks to see what came home, more forms...oh! and the emergency forms I had already filled out for Tyler and Dad was suppose to drop off when he was in charge of dropping of Tyler that morning...breathe...but running out of air. HE'S exhausted from the 1st day of school activities and doing dishes and taking care of the kids...which was watching a movie with them all afternoon...breathe...oh wait can't...no air!

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