Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Same ol' sh*t, different day...

"There are only 2 of you, you only have 1 brother and you only have 1 sister, why do you guys have to fight the minute you wake up?!?!" asks my mom. Oh wait! That's NOT my mom yelling at me and my brother, that was ME yelling at Madi and Tyler! A little disturbed that the words my brother and I used to hear from my mother's mouth are now coming out of mine.

"Mom! Madi touched my toast and I am not going to eat it!"
I walk over and there Madi was with this sh*t eating grin on her face. argh! I look at the clock, 7:20am...really?! Are they serious??? So I give my first warning. Why do I bother? before I even issuing said warning they are already at it again. As I stand there looking around I wonder..."what am I looking for?!" and I start to laugh because it's only 7:20AM and I want to slam my head into a wall, preferably brick! Knowing my luck I won't die and will just lie there and will still hear them fighting over my body in a vegatative state. "Ok, separation time. Madi eat in the kitchen and Tyler in the dining room."

So they continue to eat in separate rooms...but I hear talking. Not yelling or fighting, but they were just chit chatting...FROM SEPARATE ROOMS! Help me understand. So they can communicate nicely from different rooms but not from the same. It apparently got tiring for Tyler because then he actually got up and stood in the doorway to chat with Madi. He doesn't enter the kitchen but just stands there and chats and they are fine.

And why do I have to ask 45 times for Madi to come down to breakfast? or for her to change? or to brush her teeth? I've sent her to school with no breakfast thinking she will starve and learn her lesson, but nope. She informs me that she was fine. Argh! I've told her that she will go to school in her PJs and she eventually changes, but on her own time. This girl is just relentless! She then has the audacity to ask me why I am so mean to her?! um hello! I start off nice, but after the 40th time of saying please come down for breakfast, the niceness is just no longer there. Or they will come down and I'll say something about them taking so long and not listening and they respond with a "my bad." I just want to ring their little necks but at the same time fall over laughing!

These kids will have me in the loonie bin soon...I hope they serve good food there...not that I would know the difference, I'll be crazy!

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