Friday, September 17, 2010

My Beloved Daughter....when will she learn?!

I know she's young, but good lord the things that comes out of her mouth. it's been a while since I've updated we have started kindergarten which is why I have been just so busy trying to get us in a routine.

So before school I had to return some stuff I thought we would need and I brought the twins with me. We get to the counter and the girl asks, "Was there something wrong with it?", I answer "no", Madison pipes in with, "my mommy has no money." Thanks Madi, that's not why I'm returning it, but yeah...mommy has no money.

Trying to teach them not to say something and trying to explain it can be hard. Because they always choose to pick the most public place to say..."is it ok for me to say that mommy?" and of course 9 times out of 10 it's not polite and probably offend the person they are talking about and they asked me so loud that the person hears...

We start school finally and the first 2 days were pretty hell-ish. The first day Madi cried like she was brought to a torture chamber. It was pretty hot in there though...I think I lost 2 pounds by just standing there and add a screaming 5 yr old who kept running circles to avoid being caught. All the kids stood there and watched. So I calmly told her "look Madi you will make new friends and play new games!" and she screamed back "NO! I hate them!!!". That's a nice daughter I have...oi vay!

The 2nd day was the first day with the whole entire kindergarten class and maybe because I forgot to point out that she will be sharing a locker she FLIPPED! We get to her locker and the little boy was there with his dad. I introduced myself and Madi and they did the same. My beautiful daughter took 3 steps back, gave the little boy looks that shot out lasers and demanded that he "get that stuff out of THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T want them THERE!!!!!!" and was completed bullshit! The poor little boy was so scared, his dad was scared and I wanted to melt into a pile of crap that the janitor would just sweep away later on. She refused to take her backpack off and put everything away in her locker. So we went in to see her teacher, because I couldn't do it anymore, she's the teacher and it was 8:30, so Madi is her problem now. And they figured it out and Madi shared her locker.

When we returned the next school day we got there first and boy was Madi excited. The girl seriously took all her stuff and spread it out all over the locker leaving the little boy no room for his stuff. I was horrified that she would do this AND had this evil giggling going on as she was doing it! She knew she was wrong because I did consolidate everything back into her side of the locker so her lockermate had room and although she was not happy she dealt with it and has been all week.

Let me just leave you with this..."Madi, if your classmates were mean to you and no one to play with what would you do then?!". "Nothing! I just do something by myself!"

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